Submit your research to the International Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets". Contact us at

Call for Papers for the 27th International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets is now open!
Conference: 5–6 July 2024, Burgas, Bulgaria • EXTENDED DEADLINE for submissions: 15 APRIL 2024.


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/** Attach (or remove) an Event to a specific object **********
 * Cross-browser event attachment (John Resig)
 * obj  : DOM tree object to attach the event to
 * type : String, event type ("click", "mouseover", "submit", etc.)
 * fn   : Function to be called when the event is triggered (the ''this''
 *        keyword points to ''obj'' inside ''fn'' when the event is triggered)
 * Local Maintainer: [[meta:User:Dschwen]]

function addEvent( obj, type, fn )
 if (obj.addEventListener)
  obj.addEventListener( type, fn, false );
 else if (obj.attachEvent)
  obj["e"+type+fn] = fn;
  obj[type+fn] = function() { obj["e"+type+fn]( window.event ); }
  obj.attachEvent( "on"+type, obj[type+fn] );

function removeEvent( obj, type, fn )
 if (obj.removeEventListener)
  obj.removeEventListener( type, fn, false );
 else if (obj.detachEvent)
  obj.detachEvent( "on"+type, obj[type+fn] );
  obj[type+fn] = null;
  obj["e"+type+fn] = null;

/** JSconfig ************
 * (copied from [[meta:MediaWiki:Common.js]])
 * Global configuration options to enable/disable and configure
 * specific script features from [[MediaWiki:Common.js]] and
 * [[MediaWiki:Monobook.js]]
 * This framework adds config options (saved as cookies) to [[Special:Preferences]]
 * For a more permanent change you can override the default settings in your 
 * [[Special:Mypage/monobook.js]]
 * for Example: JSconfig.keys[loadAutoInformationTemplate] = false;
 *  Maintainer: [[meta:User:Dschwen]]
var JSconfig =
 prefix : 'jsconfig_',
 keys : {},
 meta : {},
 // Register a new configuration item
 //  * name          : String, internal name
 //  * default_value : String or Boolean (type determines configuration widget)
 //  * description   : String, text appearing next to the widget in the preferences
 //  * prefpage      : Integer (optional), section in the preferences to insert the widget:
 //                     0 : User profile
 //                     1 : Skin
 //                     2 : Math
 //                     3 : Files
 //                     4 : Date and time
 //                     5 : Editing
 //                     6 : Recent changes
 //                     7 : Watchlist
 //                     8 : Search
 //                     9 : Misc
 // Access keys through JSconfig.keys[name]
 registerKey : function( name, default_value, description, prefpage )
  if( typeof(JSconfig.keys[name]) == 'undefined' ) 
   JSconfig.keys[name] = default_value;
  else {
   // all cookies are read as strings, 
   // convert to the type of the default value
   switch( typeof(default_value) )
    case 'boolean' : JSconfig.keys[name] = ( JSconfig.keys[name] == 'true' ); break;
    case 'number'  : JSconfig.keys[name] = JSconfig.keys[name]/1; break;
  JSconfig.meta[name] = { 'description' : description, 'page' : prefpage || 0, 'default_value' : default_value };
 readCookies : function()
  var cookies = document.cookie.split("; ");
  var p =JSconfig.prefix.length;
  var i;
  for( var key in cookies )
   if( cookies[key].substring(0,p) == JSconfig.prefix )
    i = cookies[key].indexOf('=');
    //alert( cookies[key] + ',' + key + ',' + cookies[key].substring(p,i) );
    JSconfig.keys[cookies[key].substring(p,i)] = cookies[key].substring(i+1);
 writeCookies : function()
  for( var key in JSconfig.keys )
   document.cookie = JSconfig.prefix + key + '=' + JSconfig.keys[key] + '; path=/; expires=Thu, 2 Aug 2009 10:10:10 UTC';
 evaluateForm : function()
  var w_ctrl,wt;
  //alert('about to save JSconfig');
  for( var key in JSconfig.meta ) {
   w_ctrl = document.getElementById( JSconfig.prefix + key )
   if( w_ctrl ) 
    wt = typeof( JSconfig.meta[key].default_value );
    switch( wt ) {
     case 'boolean' : JSconfig.keys[key] = w_ctrl.checked; break;
     case 'string' : JSconfig.keys[key] = w_ctrl.value; break;
  return true;
 setUpForm : function()
  var prefChild = document.getElementById('preferences');
  if( !prefChild ) return;
  prefChild = prefChild.childNodes;
  // make a list of all preferences sections
  var tabs = new Array;
  var len = prefChild.length;
  for( var key = 0; key < len; key++ ) {
   if( prefChild[key].tagName &&
       prefChild[key].tagName.toLowerCase() == 'fieldset' ) 
  // Create Widgets for all registered config keys
  var w_div, w_label, w_ctrl, wt;
  for( var key in JSconfig.meta ) {
   w_div = document.createElement( 'DIV' );
   w_label = document.createElement( 'LABEL' );
   w_label.appendChild( document.createTextNode( JSconfig.meta[key].description ) )
   w_label.htmlFor = JSconfig.prefix + key;
   wt = typeof( JSconfig.meta[key].default_value );
   w_ctrl = document.createElement( 'INPUT' ); = JSconfig.prefix + key;
   // before insertion into the DOM tree
   switch( wt ) {
    case 'boolean' : w_ctrl.type = 'checkbox'; break;
    case 'string'  : w_ctrl.type = 'text'; break;
   w_div.appendChild( w_label );
   w_div.appendChild( w_ctrl );
   tabs[JSconfig.meta[key].page].appendChild( w_div );
   // after insertion into the DOM tree
   switch( wt ) {
    case 'boolean' : w_ctrl.defaultChecked = w_ctrl.checked = JSconfig.keys[key]; break;
    case 'string' : w_ctrl.defaultValue = w_ctrl.value = JSconfig.keys[key]; break;
  addEvent(document.getElementById('preferences').parentNode, 'submit', JSconfig.evaluateForm );